To the editor:

Politics aside, folks, let’s look at Donald J. Trump as a human being. Put your parties aside, religious ideology and pocketbooks aside.

(9) comments


Now I understand G. Your biases are so strong, they don't allow you to read printed words accurately, or to open your mind to facts, which you don't have access to if you're watching Fox News. To wit:

I NEVER said the Democrats had lied about the border being secure. You can go back and read what I really said, I'm not going to bother repeating it.

You, like many MAGA lunatics I've talked to, seem to think you can set the parameters for discussion. You cannot. In a previous response you claimed you could rebut all my facts, but you cannot, and that's why you won't . That's why in your last response you said you wouldn't try. You know you're lying, you know the facts I've put down are true, and you know you're trapped in your lies, so, like Trump, you continually try to change the subject to avoid admitting you're lying. Like Trump, you will continue to be skewered by the facts.

You doubled down on your lie that food prices are up. The facts do not bear that out, food prices are down double digits from their high points. You could look it up...nah, that doesn't fit your narrative, so you won't do it.

Trump had both houses of Congress and never put forward any rational policy that could hope to pass, even Republicans stated publicly his ideas weren't going to fly with them. The Democrats may have used the filibuster if it came to it, but they didn't need to, as Trump never came forward with any coherent policies, and the Republicans never put forward any reasonable bills to fix the immigration system. To act like it's the Democrats fault that Trump couldn't fix the immigration system is disingenuous at best, as he never really tried.

What DID Trump do about immigration? "By 2021, Donald Trump will have reduced legal immigration by 49% since becoming president- without any change in U.S. immigration law, according to a National Foundation for American Policy analysis. An April presidential proclamation blocked the entry of legal immigrants to the United States in almost all categories." (Forbes Magazine) This led, of course, to more people trying to get in illegally, and is Trump's biggest impact on immigration.

Mitch McConnell, though a vile human, isn't as stupid as Trump, he knows Republicans are the minority party. If they got rid of the filibuster, the future would hold many more losses for them than wins. He knows the best thing in the world for them is to make it as hard to change things as possible, so they can cling to the status quo for as long as possible. Mitch doesn't do "the right thing", Mitch does what benefits the old guard status quo.

Of course Democrats in Congress did everything they could to stop Trump from wasting billions on a useless wall. You can find the video clip of Trump at the border touting his impregnable, beautiful wall...then watch a guy working on it show exactly how immigrants would climb right over it WHILE Trump is talking about how no one will be able to get over it. Check it out.

Your piece about crime shows how your bias blinds you to facts. The most commonly used, acknowledged leading report for crime statistics clearly shows crime is down, and is readily available on Google, but no, your bias is so strong that even after admitting you don't know anything about it, you try to put forward a half-baked theory that fits your narrative rather than taking two minutes to look it up and realize it's true. You're not only in denial of facts, you're demonstrating that you're willing to believe a conspiracy theory rather than look at the facts, even when presented to you. Not a good look. By the way, the timeframes of the report can't be manipulated, they're annualized.

Speaking of things that don't look good, there's your racism and bigotry on display in your assumption about illegal immigrants driving crime numbers up in the future. Statistics consistently prove illegal immigrants tend to be very law abiding, partially, of course, because they need to stay out of trouble, but also it appears many are motivated by simply being in the U.S. and wanting to do well. The fear-mongering of Trump and other racist bigots is one of the uglier parts of the MAGA cult, and is especially egregious considering Trump's criminal activities.

Hey, I found something we agree on, though I'm not sure if we agree on why. I agree government spending is too high. Do you realize that's not a party thing? Both parties are guilty of it. Why? Because it's political suicide to do the tough things that are necessary to move us toward fiscal sanity. There are two reasons for that; one, pork barrel projects that Congressional members fight for to win re-elections, and two, the military industrial complex. The latter is by far the biggest issue, as our military budget is more than the next seven or eight highest spending countries. I'm all for having a strong military, but we're just blowing trillions of dollars on equipment that we don't need, and in many cases will never even work. But while the pork barrel projects are sacred because they get Congressional elections won, the military spending is sacred because it gets presidential elections won, as defense contracts are such a big part of the large donors' holdings, they can't afford to let anyone become president that won't support continuing the spending spree. Of course, if the rich had to pay their fair share of taxes, it would help immensely, but that's another sacred cow that likely won't be sacrificed until it's too late. I'm curious what you would prefer we spend less on.

While we agree on government overspending, none of that changes that our economy is in great shape as far as inflation, jobs, falling prices, and the stock market. When Trump was president he wouldn't shut up about things he did nothing to create, riding the coattails of Obama's recovery. He was always talking about the stock market hitting record highs and unemployment being really low, as were his MAGA supporters. Well, now results are even better in both those areas, and Biden has led us through the best pandemic recovery of any affluent country in the world, and still the MAGA crowd continues to try to claim our economy is terrible, one of their many big lies.

Your last paragraph shows what I'm talking about with regard to not having the facts. You say Biden "reversed all Trump's border policies" as soon as he got into office, but as usual you offer no proof. The reason you offer no proof is because it's not true. According to the Pew Research Center, in his first year in office the Biden Administration "...acted on a number of fronts to reverse Trump-era restrictions on immigration to the United States. The steps include plans to boost refugee admissions, preserving deportation relief for unauthorized immigrants who came to the U.S. as children and not enforcing the 'public charge' rule that denies green cards to immigrants who might use public benefits like Medicaid."

That's in the first year, not exactly an avalanche of changes, and Biden has left a lot of Trump's policies in place. Honestly, I think Biden's real mistake was speaking about immigration in a way that encouraged more people to come. Our system was already broken, and couldn't handle the number of people that were showing up already. Common sense should have told anyone that once Trump and his racist, bigoted, xenophobic rhetoric was gone a lot more people would see the U.S. as a desirable destination.

The thing people don't seem to want to grasp though, is that our immigration system is a series of LAWS. Guess who makes our laws? Right, NOT our president, but Congress. Both parties have been guilty in the past of not working together to fix it, but with the recent bill the Conservative Congressional members hammered out with Democrats, the Republicans can no longer claim to be serious about fixing the problem. What's even worse is that they were talking in glowing terms about the bill until their dear leader nixed it in the hopes he could leverage it into four more years in the White House, proving once again it's all about him, no care for the country or the people. The bill would have provided for thousands more Border Patrol personnel and people to process immigration applications, and maybe most importantly, something like 200+ immigration judges. Why is that the most important part? Because it's the largest bottleneck in our immigration system, with over 3 million cases pending. That number has tripled since 2019.

By the way, do you know that Obama deported far more people than Trump in almost every year of his administration?

Oh. My. God. Are you really that far gone that you buy into every conspiracy theory the lunatic fringe on the right sponsors? Do you really believe there's some Chinese plot to send men to our country? To do what? lol The reason there's been an upsurge in Chinese immigration is their economy is in the tank and ours is doing great. Simple economics. I hope more of them come, as the drain on the Chinese Communist Party might be the thing that finally leads to people overthrowing their tyranny.

Once again, you end with a ridiculous "open border" policy comment. It's like it's a reflex with MAGA cult members, just keep throwing lies out there, and hope people are dumb enough, or ignorant enough, to buy it.

Well, I know the facts, so I'm not buying it, and every time someone lies, whether it's you or someone else, I'll be pointing it out, just like I do in my letters to the editor. There's a simple way to stop that cycle; stop telling lies. If you think you have a claim you can prove, include the facts you think supports the claim, and include your sources.

When I see MAGA cult members interviewed by a skillful interviewer, it always comes down in the end to them admitting they believe Trump over everyone and everything else. I can't imagine how anyone can believe anything he says after the thousands of times he's been proven to be lying, but that's the crux of it. Trump says it, they believe it, they deny facts from credible sources, and they follow their dear leader. Don't follow in their footsteps.


As a Trump supporter and a Republican, I agree that Trump's moral compass is missing. He is a "billionaire playboy" who has been married several times, slept with countless women, and is nobody I'd want my daughter to marry. But his policies were far superior to Joe Biden and the Dems, who are gaslighting America with their claims that the border is secure, crime is down, food prices are lower, we can transition our entire economy to electric and eliminate fossil fuels, etc., etc. On the policy front, it is a clear choice.

One more comment. It seems like when Republicans have personality flaws, the Dems are all over it. Trump is an example, and someone like George Santos is another.

But when Democrat politicians have issues, Dems largely ignore them...for the greater good, of course. This is why Bill Clinton can headline a fundraiser for Biden last week, despite his lying to the country. And Bob Menendez can stay in the Senate because the Dems need his vote.

So when Democrats pull the moral outrage card, it is convenient but not truthful because they do not follow the same principles when their leaders make mistakes.


G, don't you ever get tired of getting called out for repeating the same lies?

Again you dive right into the projection, trying to claim the Democrats are gaslighting people, when it's clearly the MAGA crowd and their dear leader that the facts prove are doing so.

Again, Trump has no policies, and no platform. Over three campaigns, he has continually stuck to idiotic culture war items and projecting that everyone else was doing exactly what he was doing.

I haven't heard any Democrats claim the border was secure. I have heard many Republicans and MAGA cult members claim Biden and the Democrats have an "open border" policy. As I've said before, put up or shut up. Prove there's an "open border" policy. There is a way to make the border far more secure, but the dear leader nixed that because he wants to try to leverage it to win an election. That proves not only that he's completely uncaring about the people and the country, but also the bigger point that he doesn't care about anyone but himself, as he has demonstrated ad nauseum.

Crime IS down, we DO have the best pandemic recovery of any affluent country in the world, we DO have the best inflation results of any affluent country in the world, and we DO need to reduce fossil fuels if we want our planet to survive. Anyone who denies those things is denying facts, and that's what gaslighting is all about, and it is, sadly, what the MAGA crowd is best at.

As I pointed out before, Democrats have been much more inclined to step aside over even the slightest problems, like Al Franken and Gary Hart. Trump has had more scandals than all the Democrats combined, but the MAGA cult still supports him. Nobody can hold a candle to the level of scandal, impropriety, immoral behavior, lying and deceit Trump has displayed. There is no way to draw an equivalent on the Democratic side.

Again, Clinton did not force himself on anyone, and most importantly is not running for office. Trump has been proven to have assaulted one woman, and the stories of many other women are very similar to E Jean Carroll's.

Trump used Steve Bannon's disgusting "pivot to Clinton" strategy to snake his way into the White House when he was clearly unfit for office. It's idiotic to try that strategy when there isn't even a Clinton running.

Many Democrats have publicly stated that Bob Menendez should resign, which is well documented, and has been going on for some time, though that's probably not covered on right-wing sites because it doesn't help their false narrative and alternative facts. And, unlike the MAGA cult members and their sycophants, the Democrats haven't walked it back later because they don't have a dear leader that dictates what they do like the Republicans do. Your double standard is epic.

If Bill Clinton shouldn't be at a fundraiser, and Bob Menendez shouldn't be in the Senate, then clearly you believe Trump shouldn't be running for anything, much less president.


Let's focus on the border, shall we?

You haven't heard any Democrats say the border is secure? That is because you watch the mainstream media and they won't play those sound bites for you.

So let's use Google and rebut your ridiculous claim.

VP Harris: "The border is secure, but we also have a broken immigration system, in particular over the last four years before we came in, and it needs to be fixed,” Harris told Chuck Todd during an interview for NBC's Meet the Press on Sunday.Sep 13, 2022"

"(CNN) — Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas told lawmakers Wednesday that the US-Mexico border is secure and repeated that it is “not open,” as the administration faces an ongoing influx of migrants." (3/17/21)

"Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas defends the Biden administration's handling of the migrant crisis on the southern border, saying it is doing everything it can within a broken system, pushing back against congressional critics. "Some have accused DHS of not enforcing our nation's laws. This could not be further from the truth...the majority of all migrants encountered at the southwest border throughout this administration have been removed, returned or expelled," Mayorkas says. (1/8/24, CSPAN)

"The Biden administration doubled down Thursday on Veep Kamala Harris’ claim that the US border with Mexico is “secure” despite a surge of illegal crossings and overwhelmed migrant processing centers.

"White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre backed up Harris — who was skewered for insisting earlier this week that “the border is secure” despite a broken immigration system that “needs to be fixed” — at a press briefing." (NY Post, 9/15/22)


Really G? After I point out that you've continually repeated lie after lie, you come up with two quotes about one issue as your response? No mention of all the lying? No proof to back up all your lies? No attempt to address all the facts I included about the economy, crime, etc. that disprove the MAGA lies you've been spouting? No proof about the "open border" you and other MAGA cult members keep talking about? No mention of the incredible hypocrisy you displayed with your double standard for Trump and his behavior? Wow. Even for MAGA, lame.


Frankly, Mikerins, I could rebut every one of your claims but I got stopped at the first one which was blatantly false. So I proved it. I provided quotes from the leaders of the Democrat party and the head of DHS who claimed repeatedly that the border was secure. And yet you have no response to this rebuttal?

Admit you were wrong, that the Democrats have claimed the open border is "secure" when it clearly is not, and then you can ask me to respond to one other claim of your choosing. Otherwise, you are just wasting my time.


You make me laugh G. "Let's focus on the border". You mean, let's ignore all the lies I've told dozens of times, and all the times I've been provided with proof that I've lied, to cherry pick one item I think I can actually prove. By the way, what the Homeland Security Director said was true, there is no "open border" and they are enforcing our laws, as evidenced by more people being stopped, detained, and deported than ever before. What Harris said is technically true too, depending on how you define secure. It's not like people are just waltzing across the border at checkpoints, they're sneaking in as they've always done, we're just a lot more popular destination with a real president than when we had a racist, xenophobic one. If you define secure as impregnable, as the MAGA crowd seems to want to do, then our border has never been, and never will be, secure in their terms. You purposely misrepresent this to make it sound like all, or certainly many, Democrats were claiming the border was secure. I found three, the two you mention and the White House Press Secretary, that have ever made the claim. Not exactly the pervasive claim you tried to imply.

So, I indulged your one little point, and I agree that you had one small point. Now I challenge you to do the same with all the lies I, and others, have pointed out you've been parroting on here.

Here are just a few, if you've lost track:

-That Biden has an "open border" policy.

-That crime is not down.

-That we don't have the best pandemic inflation recovery of any affluent country.

-That we don't have the best economic pandemic recovery of any affluent country.

Trump had the White House and both houses of Congress in his favor for two years, and he did NOTHING to fix the immigration system, though he did manage to make it worse by closing off avenues of legal immigration to many people, thus ensuring a rise in illegal immigration.

So yes, G, you can technically say two Democrats said the border was secure, and you'd be correct about that, but that's not what you said. You referred to Biden and the Dems "gaslighting America with their claims that the border is secure, crime is down, food prices are lower, and we can transition our entire economy to electric and eliminate fossil fuels, etc. etc.". I can't find a single quote of Biden ever saying the border is secure, quite the opposite, he says it hasn't been secure for 10 years. Crime IS down, food prices ARE lower, among other excellent economic news that shows Biden's policies are working, though some, like the Infrastructure Act, are much more far reaching in timelines than most politicians would even attempt.

Biden announced the government would stop buying gas-powered vehicles, and continue the much-needed move towards decreasing fossil fuel burning to save our planet. Not quite the same thing as converting our whole economy, much less doing it in any sudden way, these things are all built into long-term plans that are desperately needed.

So, I indulged your one little point, and I agree you had one small point with a narrow definition of a secure border, though you grossly misrepresented it by trying to portray it as all, or at least many, Democrats making the claim. Now I challenge you to do the same with all the lies I, and others, have pointed out you parrot in your comments.

In case you've forgotten, here are just a few:

-That Biden has an "open border" policy.

-That crime is up (and the usual claim is it's up in blue cities, which is patently false).

-That our economy is terrible.

-That Trump accomplished more than Biden has.

-That Trump didn't try to become a dictator.

Good luck!


Hi Mikerins,

Thank you so much admitting that Democrats have lied about the border being secure.

I am a busy guy and I don't have the time to rebut all of your nonsense, so I asked you to give me one question that you wanted me to answer. I guess reading comprehension is an issue because you launched another diatribe. Replying to letters to the editor is not the place for reasoned debate. I suggest you watch some Fox News to get another perspective.

I did read your response and a few items stood out which I can briefly comment on.

First, you said that food prices are down. This is false. The rate of inflation is lower than it was, but food prices are all up and they continue to rise.

Second, you blamed Trump for not fixing the border, implying that Republicans had all of Congress and the presidency to pass whatever they wished. This is not true. With the Senate filibuster, everything could have been blocked in the Senate. Mitch McConnell (despite Trump's urging) refused to gut the filibuster. You should be praising him and Republicans for doing what was right even though it wasn't politically advantageous. And Democrats in Congress tried repeatedly to stop Trump from building the wall. So he didn't have a free hand.

Third, crime statistics are interesting and not something I have personally looked into. But I can tell you that my trust in government statistics has been shaken by what we have all experienced over the last few years. And in places like NY, where you have liberal DAs who don't prosecute crimes, it would not be surprising if under-staffed police forces arrested fewer people. I would also say that the timeframe chosen can be manipulated to prove crime is up or down. Finally, with millions of illegal immigrants streaming across our border, it would not surprise anyone if the number of crimes increased.

On how the US economy is doing, I agree that we are doing better than most of the rest of the world. But we do have an overspending problem and things could quickly reverse themselves if and when we start to pay off that debt. I heard RFK Jr. on Fox the other day, and he said that in a few years, the interest payment on the debt would exceed the entire defense appropriation and in a few more, would take up all of government spending. I have not confirmed that but if true, that would be frightening. So while stocks fly high and people are being hired, much of this growth is fueled by unsustainable debt and spending by the federal government.

But the border is really the number one issue. When Biden took office, he reversed all of Trump's border policies and the illegal immigrants poured in. We are breaking records every day and have no idea how many sneak across our long border undetected. This year, we have seen a huge surge in Chinese nationals, something like 20,000 men. What are they all doing here? I guess we will have to wait until their plot hatches before we can lament Biden's open border policy.


Donald Trump is amoral. He doesn't care whether his behavior is morally right or wrong.

In other words, you can't lose your moral compass if you never had one.

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